Spreading Kindness Amid Pandemic Chun Wo Donates Over 200,000 Masks to the Community
The Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has spread across the globe, more than 460 thousand people have been infected worldwide, and the number of deaths continues to rise. During the outbreak, the Group has sought to source and purchase pandemic prevention supplies globally to help the society fight against the disease. It has donated more than 200,000 surgical masks and HK$400,000 to social welfare agencies and people in need through its subsidiary “Chun Wo Charitable Foundation Limited” (Chun Wo Charitable Foundation). In cooperation with the Community CareAge Foundation (CCAF) and St. James' Settlement, Chun Wo Charitable Foundation gave 40,000 surgical masks to elderly persons who are living alone, which is expected to benefit around 2,000 seniors in total. In addition, the Group donated 1,300 N95 masks to The Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital in Sandy Bay, to support healthcare workers and children suffering from various diseases.
Moreover, the Group also donated 50,000 and 85,000 masks respectively to subcontractors in the construction industry and Construction Industry Council, in support of the “Construction Industry Caring Campaign - Fight Against Novel Coronavirus”. Meanwhile, an additional 150,000 masks have been reserved for Chun Wo’s employees to protect them and their families.
In addition to the above-mentioned donation of masks, the Group is also aware of the public's fear and concern under the haze of the pandemic. Therefore, it has donated HK$250,000 to the Construction Industry Caring Campaign - Fight Against Novel Coronavirus and HK$150,000 to the Hong Kong Industrial & Commercial Association to expedite sourcing of medical supplies from around the world and provide financial support to frontline healthcare workers, as well as Hong Kong citizens affected by the pandemic.
Covid-19 is still evolving, and governments are working hard on the methods to control and prevent it. We, as a local enterprise, will also do our best to fight the pandemic through donations and continue to source and purchase pandemic prevention supplies around the world, share resources and overcome difficulties together with the community.

By Corporate Communications Department
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