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[Chun Wo’s Success Story] Strives for the Best – Ir Andy Yiu

The “Chun Wo’s Success Story” is a documentary series that explores the success stories of Chun Wo people and undertakings from multiple perspectives, highlighting the hard work, struggles and success factors in the construction field. 


In the new third episode, we turn the spotlight from engineering projects in the previous two episodes to a protagonist – Ir Andy Yiu, Executive Vice President of Asia Allied Infrastructure, finding how he has applied his football philosophy “enjoy the process and strive for the best” on construction management and business decision-making over the course of his construction career for more than 40 years, bringing teamwork into full play.


“Mr. Yiu is always our “advisor” to lead us through all the barricades.” 
“I feel like doing something as important as engineering, that’s what I called “bonding”.”


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